Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Social networking phenomenon in e-business
Social networking phenomenon in e-business Abstract Nowadays the social networking with its gradual growth has affected the image that we have about the web dramatically. In the following paper some issues about social networking are discussed. In particular, a critical exploration of the social networking phenomenon is presented and an evaluation of the impact on e-commerce and e-business is discussed. Furthermore some possible applications that concern opportunities, benefits and risks are given. A synthesis of the above provides a summary of conclusions that can be drawn and recommendations that can be made as well. Introduction Everyday practice shows that Social Networks popularity is increased day by day. If facebook were country it would be the worlds 4th largest after China, India and USA having over 250.000 users. Many companies have realized this phenomenon and have already started to reform their marketing policy in order to benefit from the Social Networking growth. Many professionals from music artists to business enterprises advertise themselves in social networking web sites via uploading some of their new songs, images or videos. It is obvious that Social networking has a direct impact in e-business. In order to provide an evaluation of the social networking impact on e-business, we are starting our attempt from word-of-mouth marketplaces or overstock auctions or reputation systems. Reputation Systems like Amazon or e-bay is an online marketplace that augments traditional auctions with a social networking component (Christo Wilson 2008). Furthermore some social networks applications have several critical factors that we should consider (benefits, risks, opportunities). Our research demonstrates that the gradual growth of social networking has several benefits and several risks. In particular recent surveys have shown high levels of fraud in online markets (Bhattacharjee, Goe 2005). Some of the most important malicious aspect of social networking is ballot stuffing, bad mouthing and data theft which will be described in detail in the third sector of this paper. On the other side as it was previously mentioned social networking has several benefits. Customers have lost trust in traditional sales, marketing and service or Customer Relationship Management and this plays a pivotal role in increasing of positive impact of social networking in e-business. Many people have changed their buying culture and have orientated in online reputation systems such as e-bay and Amazon that have direct relation with social networking aspects. In a few words this paper provides an overview of the social networking phenomenon evaluates its direct impact in e-business and e-commerce and presents some opportunities benefits and risks that are included. Social networking as phenomenon Social Networking is a phenomenon that has affected the whole Web and many aspects of our lives dramatically. Social networking web sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Hi5, Friendster etc. provide the ability to their member/users to create their personal profiles where they can share some information, brief CVs or personal photos. Thus they have the ability to search for their old acquaintances or familiars. Furthermore they can upload or trade with other users photos, comments or videos. In fig.1 a profile sample is provided. Human beings used to create groups that consisted of people with whom they shared common interests. It was therefore expected that these networks will quickly transported to the online world. Social networks are created for many reasons and for different publics. Despite their differences the social networks are concerned with the following concepts: Profiles Each member creates and maintains an online profile that contains information regarding individual interests, skills or any part of his personal status. For example some people provide their CV in order to find a (new/better) job Connections -Social networks enable their members to keep connections with each other chat trade images, comments and in general keep in touch via the Web (Boyd, Ellison 2007). Even though the gradual growth of social networking is something recent it is not something new as a concept. Forums, chat rooms, blogs and creations of personal web sites (even though are not something new) are also functions regarding by social networking aspects. Several sites that contained the social networking element appeared in the start of new millennium. The gradual social networking expansion is a part of a wider online phenomenon named Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is a dynamic wide web platform in which several users are enabled to interact with each other without having specialized knowledge in computer systems or network issues. Evaluation of Social Networking impact on e-commerce and e-business The social networking phenomenon has undoubtedly a direct impact on e-business. Several benefits and risks could affect (negatively or positively) e-business. Some benefits could derive from contacts between professionals, ranging from finding the right expertise to identifying cross-organization sales opportunities. Whats more many professionals are eager to create an internal reputation, and to explore career prospects. Personal contacts between the workers could help job satisfaction and the maintenance and development of the local community could help in rapidly professionals resolution. Sharing of information and communication, a priority and challenge for many companies, could improve (Blackwell 2009). One more Social Networking aspect that should be considered in order to provide a deeper evaluation of the Social Networking impact in e-business is the one introduced Overstock in Auctions. Overstock Auctions is an e-commerce website that combines traditional auctions with a social networking component. However, samplings of user feedback shows that transactions between partners connected on the social network result in significantly higher user satisfaction. Official research also shows that Overstocks business ratings have big degree of accuracy, in that they have a strong correlation with user satisfaction after their transaction. According with official research it has investigated that a big percentage users of Overstock Auctions have friends common to both their business as well as personal networks. That means that we have the trust element that plays a pivotal role in marketing. Unfortunately, traditional marketing users are often unable to locate their desired merchandise in their social network. Edelman Trust Barometer mentioned that the most reliable information source about an enterprise is a person like me'. The survey relates that in the U.S., trust in a p erson like me increased from 20% in 2003 to 68% today. Thats why they prefer to buy any suggested product from a friend over a perfect stranger. Academic researchers have observed that 6% of users have 100% of their personal contacts involved in the business networks, which demonstrate that users have either only dealing with their social acquaintances, business partners or guests to participate in the personal network their friends (Wilson, Boe 2008). The next topic that we will discuss concern Word-of-mouth marketing. The companies that have only traditional marketing methods and not Social Network element are in crisis with low productivity and benefits as a result of TV and Radio advertisement saturation. On the other side companies like Amazon, Google and Hotmail succeed with virtually no marketing based solely on word of mouth. Word-of- mouth is the best predictor of business growth because it contains the trust element that plays pivotal role in e-business (Pedro Domingos 2005). Possible applications, opportunities, benefits and risks The following section provides some possible applications focusing on opportunities benefits and risks. Opportunities There are several opportunities of using social network applications such as sharing information and media with peers, finding an audience for creative works, helping young people keep in contact with peers or allowing young people to develop new contacts and friendships with each other. In businesses the importance of internal social software use is increased daily. Given that the next generation of employees will use the social software as the main medium of communication, the companies must bridge generation gaps and boundaries via the supporting of this communication method with its use in workplaces. Despite the difficulties the benefits are still huge. At first a high user percentage is directors or company representatives indicating that Social Networking Software has a wide range of potential customers or active users. Secondly by bringing this social software tool in the company, the relevant elements regarding the contacts, interests and activities of the workers are available and archive-able from the company by providing new resources and new abilities for human resources comprehension. In case these tools are not provided by the company the employees have the right to seek social software tools such as facebook etc. Benefits There are undoubtedly several possible business benefits of the gradual growth of social networking applications. At first within social network sites the employees are able to keep in touch with their colleagues. Unfortunately the percentage of distant colleagues and in general distant working relationships is increasing day by day. So it is obvious that we draw attention to the necessity of awareness increasing and contact between distant partners via the social network tools. Within several companies keeping touch and maintaining relationship in an organization is a critical factor for an successful career. Thus the social network tools help the companies to maintain or improve their productivity independently from their employees distance. Another beneficial social network application is the user support regarding the exploring and learning about the new employees and the team members. This endeavor makes the searching of colleagues with special skills or discovering of past experiences in activities that could be useful for new projects easier. Organization-based social networks could also help the professionals to approach work (or non work) issues of common interest something that improves the communication between people who interact for the first time (Joan Morris DiMicco 2007). Risks Social networking has several risks except from benefits such as bullying, abuse and exploitation of young people, too much time (distraction) spend on the computer / internet addiction, ballot stuffing or bad mouthing Ballot Stuffing A seller manages to make fake transactions via the positive ratings after collusion with other buyers. So Ballot Stuffing has as a result the inflating a sellers reputation.( Bhattacharjee, Goel, 2005) Bad Mouthing On the other hand a group of buyers may be conspiring (it could be after a collusion with a rival vendor) to deliberately give negative feedback to a particular vendor and hence less reputation. This is known as bad mouthing. ( Bhattacharjee, Goel, 2005) Malicious goals Some people tend to create fake profiles to bully, lie cheat and steal. Even though there are several benefits in communication via social network applications such as keeping touch and relationship management there is also always the potential to receive negative, insulting or unsuitable comments. In several interviews several social networking users mentioned that the rude culture of some users was a common disadvantage. There was only a small percentage that disagreed with the term disadvantage. Unlike in the real world according to the new users opinion the social network sites have not social limitations or boundaries. This means that users could behave in whatever way they want without limitations via posting rude or abusive messages. However in worst cases the rude culture of some users transact into malicious culture indicating that many users use fake profiles in order to insidiously steal data or money. I.e. A user might give his credit card password in order to buy something from an advantageous market. Thus a malicious user having the credit card password is enabled to steal money. (Davies, Cranston 2008). Distraction In an organization a social networking software installation should undoubtedly offer several benefits and tremendous power to factors regarding the productivity and profits. However Surveys have found that social networking may be a distraction to workers. In particular it was found that 8% of the work time (30 minutes in 8-hour work-time) concern with social non-working activities. I.e. even though sending of personal photos among employees could provide some indirect benefit to a company, it could also be a distracter for the employees with bad impacts to productivity and profits. Synthesis As it was mentioned Social Networking as concept is not something new. It is exist from the internet creation since 20 years. In fact Social networking is part of a wider Internet phenomenon named Web 2.0 indicating the recent Social Network event is its gradual growth due to Web 2.0 creation. Although companies are aware of the marketing and PR opportunities, using social networking software in a given company or organization is still in relatively early stage .Our main concern in this research paper is the emphasis on the need for transaction costs for a word-of-mouth system to work well and in order to avoid phenomenon such as ballot stuffing or bad mouthing . Not only is the transaction costs important for an word of mouth system to function well, the reputation of earned premiums to the seller should be associated with the transaction costs It should also be reported that not only enterprises but all of us have to protect ourselves from malicious users via permanent information. Conclusion Our study provided an overview regarding the Social Networking Phenomenon. It has also provided an evaluation of the impact of social Networking on e-business. In the stage of our evaluation we discuss about overstock Auctions. Overstock Auctions is a kind of an e-commerce website that makes a strong combination between traditional auctions and the social networking component. We have also discussed about reputation systems. The research has shown that Social Networking has both benefits and risks. Some of the risks that could be lurking are the excessive use of social network applications in workplaces, i.e the use of facebook in workplace from an employee for non business reasons. Other risks that are involved are ballot staffing and bad mouthing in reputation systems. Ballot stuffing is the creation of fake fame after collusion between the reputation System company and fake buyers. Unlike bad mouthing is the defamation of the reputation system company via fake unhappy customers .S ome benefits that could be shown are the improvement of customer support in a company. A complicated problem for a company could be solved by finding an expert or locate implicit knowledge via a social network application. In particular a questioner could contact via a Social Network Site with an expert who has solved a similar problem in the past and find a solution to their problem. This paper also provides the trust component that plays pivotal role in e-commerce. Customers have lost their trust to the traditional marketing methods. The social networks enables the customer to interact with a person like him in order to get the appropriate information for any product. Thus even though the majority of users perform few transactions with their virtual friends on social network, many sampling feedbacks showed that transactions between companies representatives and customers have increased the user satisfaction degree. Also a conclusion has been drawn that Overstocks business ratings are accurate, in that they have a strong correlation with user satisfaction after their transaction. Thus a valid conclusion would be that there exists a necessity of transaction costs for a well functioning reputation system References Bhattacharjee, R. Goel, A., 2005. Avoiding ballot stuffing in ebay-like reputation systems. In Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Economics of peer-to-peer systems. p. 137. Blackwell, J. et al., 2009. Design and adoption of social collaboration software within businesses. In Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. pp. 2759-2762. Boyd, d. m., Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, DiMicco, J. et al., 2008. Motivations for social networking at work. In Proceedings of the ACM 2008 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. pp. 711-720. DiMicco, J.M. Millen, D.R., 2007. Identity management: Multiple presentations of self in Facebook. In Proceedings of the 2007 international ACM conference on Supporting group work. pp. 383-386. Domingos, P., 2005. Mining social networks for viral marketing. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 20(1), 80-82. Goad, R and Mooney, T, The impact of Social Networking in the UK (Hitwise Experian, 2007), Swamynathan, G. et al., 2008. Do social networks improve e-commerce?: a study on social marketplaces. In Proceedings of the first workshop on Online social networks. pp. 1-6. Withers, K, Young People and Social Networking Sites: Briefing to guide policy responses Institute of Public Policy Research (IPPR, 2007).
Sunday, January 19, 2020
The Benefits of Our Government Essay -- Governmental Politics Economic
The Benefits of Our Government The monstrous nature of government is evident to the everyday citizen. It is monstrous to oppress the poor and minorities and it is certainly monstrous to declare war on another country and inflict pain and suffering on its people. Yet it is also obvious to the every day citizen that government is necessary to preserve order. Without law or law enforcement, criminals would roam the streets and wreak havoc. Without a military, other countries would invade us violently. Thus, government is a monstrous institution that preserves order in a potentially horrific manner. Government has a tendency to become monstrous in two ways. One is that it needs to maintain order within the country, which often comes at the expense of the environment and the lower classes. The other way that government has a tendency to act monstrously is toward other governments in a struggle for world power. The desire for world power is a form of mimetic desire that causes countries to commit monstrous acts toward each other in order to gain or preserve status in the world. Monsters of myths are chaotic, yet necessary for order. An analysis of them in myths such as Enumu elish reveals that the monsters symbolize the monstrous nature that governments take on to fulfill their duty to preserve order. Without chaos monsters to sacrifice, order would never prevail over chaos. Similarly, without government to order society and protect its citizens from chaos, there would be war as a result of selfish desires. Thus, we are faced with the inevitability of living under a corrupt and monstrous government. Ritual serves as a reminder that the monster exists, and ritual sacrifice reminds us that monsters are quite freq... ... monstrous government, and it is up to us as individuals to reap those benefits and create a better world. It is absolutely necessary that people understand the nature of a monstrous government. It does have a tendency to become too monstrous by becoming overly aggressive in the process of preserving power. However, the order it provides is essential to the development of a sound community. It also provides the opportunity for citizens to take the world into their own hands. The more people volunteer in their community and support human rights groups such as Amnesty International, the less harm our benefits of monstrous government causes for others. Therefore, out of appreciation for receiving the benefits of our monstrous government, I encourage every individual to strive to make a difference in the world. Amnesty International Website: www.amnesty.org/
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Lennie Small Essay
During the early 19th century America went through something remembered as the ââ¬ËGreat Depression. ââ¬â¢ It struck millions of people who became victims of ageism, racism, prejudice, isolation, poverty and unemployment. Where some lost hope, some were motivated by their ambitions known as the ââ¬ËAmerican Dream. ââ¬â¢ In this essay I will be looking at how the ââ¬ËGreat Depressionââ¬â¢ affected peopleââ¬â¢s dream and desires. In the novel of Mice and Men, I will analyse the major characters of the novel ââ¬ËOf Mice & Men. ââ¬â¢ Steinbeckââ¬â¢s novel presents the feelings, dream and desires in an unbiased manner as it is written in 3rd person. George is an important character in ââ¬ËOf Mice & Menââ¬â¢ suffering from the American depression. For George there is no escape from him being a migrant worker because of the American Depression. Steinbeck introduces George as a relatively small person compared to his huge companion Lennie; however Georgeââ¬â¢s mental abilities are much higher. George is a caring man with a big heart but has developed a hard edge due to the tough times he has to face as a migrant worker which he cannot escape from. George occasionally grumbles of having to take care of Lennie. ââ¬Å"I got to get you out. â⬠Georgeââ¬â¢s frustration and obligation (burden) is highlighted by the pronoun ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠and the verbs ââ¬Å"gotâ⬠and ââ¬Å"get. â⬠However this also shows how George has to take responsibility of Lennie but also stands up for him, contrary to the very close friendship amongst George and Lennie. Steinbeck displays Georgeââ¬â¢s desire in this way to get across the reader to feel Georgeââ¬â¢s hindrance but to feel sympathy for George as well. Another Georgeââ¬â¢s desireââ¬â¢s was to be independent (even though Lennie was his only and best friend) as he felt that Lennie stopped him from living a comfortable life which he desires in the first place. ââ¬Å"If I was alone, I could love so easy. â⬠Steinbeckââ¬â¢s use of this is rather ironic, as Steinbeck is indicating, George is prophetic and foreshadows George loosing Lennie, as this becomes a reality at the end of the novel. However Steinbeck portrays in this manner so that Lennie is not a prevention in order for George to achieve his desire of being independent. Additionally George and Lennie travelling together but being friends was very unusual because during the ââ¬Å"American depression â⬠people travelled alone in order to find work as there would be less hassle. Despite the disgruntling, Steinbeck clearly denotes George enjoys Lennieââ¬â¢s company, which George is quick to protect him which shows the companionship, as George shares his aspirations with Lennie. ââ¬Å"With us it ainââ¬â¢t like that, weââ¬â¢ve got a future. â⬠The pronouns ââ¬Å"usâ⬠and ââ¬Å"weâ⬠indicate the unity and comradeship between George and Lennie, this suggests that George aspires to share his dream because he tries to distance himself from isolation which the other migrant workers suffer from and to avoid a miserable, wasteful meaningless life. The noun ââ¬Å"futureâ⬠shows George is enthusiastic about his future in-relation to Crooks who is forlorn. It also suggests that George believes that he and Lennie will achieve their dream because the term ââ¬Ëfutureââ¬â¢ illustrates he is looking beyond their present situation on the ranch, which he sees their dreams as a success. Steinbeck presents the character in this way, so the reader recognizes the dreams and desires that migrant workers wanted to accomplish; In order to escape from their dismal and hopeless lives. In-addition George and Lennie being comrades was very rare, but the most infrequent thing was George helping Lennie which was also uncommon at the time of the ââ¬Å"American Depression ââ¬Å", as nobody would help another person. In-addition George desires to share his dream with Lennie, in-order to keep Lennie happy and to keep him as a companion. ââ¬Å"I could build a smoke house like the one grand ââ¬â¢pa had. â⬠This phrase insinuates George wants his future to reflect his ideal childhood memories. The verb ââ¬Å"couldâ⬠which suggests the potential to succeed which consolidates the heavenly idea of the dream in contrast with the hopeless and depressing lives of others. At the end of the novel George kills Lennie for the sake of Lennie to protect him from an awful tragedy. But in this context it is a way of renunciation of Georgeââ¬â¢s own contentment which George wanted to share his own dream with Lennie. Steinbeck interprets Georgeââ¬â¢s dreams in this way to the reader to shows how much one desires in order to accomplish his dream, in order to live a life of happiness but also to achieve the ââ¬Å"American Dreamâ⬠. Steinbeck explores the theme of destiny which creates a picture in the readerââ¬â¢s mind, of how people had to face the severe realities in order to achieve the ââ¬Å"American Dreamâ⬠at that time. As this is a perfect example to show oneââ¬â¢s dreams and desires, but what extents a person would go to in order to do that. Lennie Small is a rather ironic man; he is delineated as an enormous and powerful man but ability wise he is slow, innocent and childlike. With Lennie, Steinbeck mainly follows the theme of innocence within the novel. Lennie shares the same dream with George but his perspective is different to of that Georgeââ¬â¢s. George wants his own land so he can live with freedom whereas Lennie desires to keep ââ¬Å"furry rabbitsâ⬠and tend them. As Steinbeck portrays Lennie in this way, so the reader feels sympathy for him, as we would say he has a mental disability but this would have not been recognised at the time of the ââ¬Å"American Depressionâ⬠as people would have considered Lennie as strange. In-addition the dream for Lennie petting ââ¬Å"furry rabbitsâ⬠on his own farm will provide contentment and security for him. Despite his innocence, Lennie is still capable of great violence. Steinbeck constantly compares Lennie to various animals but comparison to a dog is quite significant. This comparison is apparent, such as Lennie is Georgeââ¬â¢s only friend and the dog is Candyââ¬â¢s only companion. Also Lennie is dependent on George to be his faithful protector like the dog is loyal to Candy and relies on him. Furthermore Lennieââ¬â¢s hands were the reason he kills Curleyââ¬â¢s wife, which Steinbeck compares to those of a dogs, calling them ââ¬Å"huge pawsâ⬠and also saying that he ââ¬Å"pawed up the hay.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on The Abortion Debate - 2211 Words
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the destruction or depleting of the fetus. This controversial practice has been performed for centuries, and has had many perspectives on right and wrong. The method compares to two ideologies: a simple medical procedure, or the murder of a helpless innocent life. Morals and facts to this day continue to blur along the lines of abortion. Women, at times, see this as an outlet to free themselves from relentless shame (rape, incest etc.). It is also used to eliminate the inconvenience of not being ready to have a child. With billions starting to have the authority to make a statement on how their country handles this topic appropriately, times have changed to where abortion now has a face inâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦What is a good enough reason to end a future childââ¬â¢s life and why? When and what is our limit with abortion? Many scholars and researchers dive into the answers, comparing and contrasting with others around the world. In the history of abortion, it is well known that the unsafe practices that cause severe damages to a womanââ¬â¢s womb. ââ¬Å"The potential for contamination also characterizes the abortion itself...â⬠(Gaffney 12). The results caused by incomplete abortion, are excessive hemorrhaging, and permanent impairment to internal organs. The ââ¬Å"coat-hanger abortion is a famous one. It is the forced removal of the fetus with a coat-hanger put into the uterus through the womanââ¬â¢s cervix. Along with this, there are other ill-lasting practices, physical exhaustion intended for women to miscarry, such as receiving punches, kicks, or other hits to the abdomen (New 34). Death of the child is ensued by this, and at times, to the parent as well. Killing fetuses illegally constitutes as murder in most perspectives. It was obviously known this did more harm than good, which many argued that if abortion was to be legalized, self-abortion would be unnecessary.Show MoreRelatedThe Deb ate On Abortion And Abortion1448 Words à |à 6 PagesAbortion. This word leaves most people feeling uneasy after just saying it out loud. The discussion of abortion is continuously left open-ended with millions of opinions, arguments, and questions. Abortions occur every single day leaving potential fathers devastated or thrilled, leaving friends and families broken and distraught or in contrast, proud. More importantly, leaving the potential mother uncertain and even destroyed. But with abortion in mind, what is considered wrong and what is consideredRead MoreThe Debate Over Abortion3667 Words à |à 15 PagesPolitical Science 101 SBCC April 19, 2015 T/R 11:10 Laws vs. The Right to Life The debate over abortion has divided Americans into polarized sides since the Supreme Courtââ¬â¢s 7-2 decision in Roe v. 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